Texas Culture


Why are Texans so Proud of Texas?

Texans have an inherent state of pride that no other state can compare. Most certainly, people from other states do not understand why Texans...

Texas Rangers History – The Original Texas Law Enforcement

If you would ask people about the Texas Rangers, probably the first thing that will come to mind is the baseball team. But before...

Pecan Tree: The Official State Tree of Texas

The pecan tree (Carya illinoinensis) is the official state tree of Texas since 1919. It was made the official state tree by an act...

Top 10 Texas Born Politicians of All Time

Texas has been and is still home to some of the most famous politicians of all time. It is the second-largest state of America...

Texas History Timeline

Texas is a large state with a rich and colorful history, and it’s interesting to know how the state came to be. The name...

Worst Disasters in Texas History

In February 2021, Texas faced record-low temperatures, causing roads to be impassable and power supply to be lost. This winter disaster is unexpected for...

Famous Texas Traditions

Howdy Readers! Texas is arguably the most distinguished amongst all the states in the U.S. The story of this state is unique, with its...

History of USS Texas (BB-35)

Placed in active service in 1914 as the world’s most potent weapon, the Battleship Texas’s most significant contribution is its inception of the usage...

What are Cascarones?

Have you ever experienced the joyous pop of a cascaron during a celebration? If you're new to this delightful tradition, you're in for a...

The State Symbol of the Lone Star State and the Texas Longhorn

Texas is a state with some really rich history backing it up. Bordering Mexico, the Lone Star State as it is called, is the...


Smart Moves: Crucial Tips for Buying and Selling Properties

Delving into the real estate market can be a complex, daunting task for both first-timers and seasoned veterans. Whether you are stepping into real...

Harnessing Google Trends: A Guide to Niche Discovery

Navigating the landscape of digital marketing can be quite daunting, especially when it comes to pinpointing a strong niche for your business. What if...

Guide to Visiting Midland and Odessa Texas

Nestled in the heart of the Permian Basin, Midland and Odessa are twin cities in West Texas that together form a vibrant hub of...