Home Exploring Texas Texas Gulf Coast The Importance of Wearing Sunscreen When Visiting the Beaches of Port Aransas

The Importance of Wearing Sunscreen When Visiting the Beaches of Port Aransas

woman putting on sunscreen

Port Aransas has several beaches that most people consider to be one of the finest in Texas. This is because you’ve got miles and miles to choose from, it does not matter if you want to a more solitary place or you want to be near to a town; Port Aransas will keep your beach cravings satisfied. Not only that, there are several access points to the beach. This means that you can drive out to the spot you want and start basking under the sun. This means you will definitely spend a lot of time under the sun while you’re in Port Aransas. That is why in this article, we are going to talk about the importance of wearing sunscreen while you’re at the beaches of Port Aransas. 

  • Sunscreen reduces the risk of sunburns – All skin experts and dermatologists can attest to the importance of sunscreen in preventing sunburns. Sunburns happen when you spend too much time under the sun or when you use tanning booths. If you are continuously exposed to the sun’s heat with no sunscreen on, you can get sunburns which can lead to skin damage that can cause wrinkling and even skin cancer.
  • Sunscreen helps prevent signs of aging – Being exposed to the sun repeatedly with little or no protection can damage your skin’s collagen, elastin, and skin cells. This eventually can lead to signs of aging such as skin discoloration, fine lines, wrinkles, and even a leathery appearance. That is why if you want to prevent wrinkles and look young, do not forget to wear sunscreen. 
  • Sunscreen can help reduce inflammation – As we mentioned, Port Aransas is a prominent place where you can do lots of activities under the sun; however, when our skin is exposed to harmful UV rays, it can cause inflammation and redness. Wearing sunscreen can prevent this from happening, especially if your skin is sensitive and you have skin conditions such as rosacea or psoriasis. If you have sensitive skin, we suggest that you opt for a sunscreen that has gentle ingredients such as titanium oxide and zinc oxide. Along with this, we do not recommend you to try spray-on sunscreen because it might contain harmful ingredients such as alcohol which can dry out your skin.
  • Sunscreen can help prevent skin discoloration – Skin discolorations are also called “liver spots” or “sun spots,” and they are usually brown to tan in color. It can be challenging to live with some parts of your skin that are not evenly colored, especially when they appear later in your life. Not only that, skin discoloration often happens on your head, hands, arms, and face. Wearing sunscreen while you’re out and about under the heat of the sun can help prevent these spots from appearing on your skin. 
  • Sunscreen can help reduce the risk of having skin cancer – Using sunscreen even during cloudy days is one of the best ways to prevent skin cancer. According to studies, one out of five Americans will develop skin cancer by the age of 70. You can lower your risk of having this disease if you use at least an SPF 30 sunscreen every day. If you want more protection, you can use a higher-level SPF. If you’re at the beach, it is best if you reapply your sunscreen at least every two hours.

How to Choose the Right Sunscreen 

Most people think that wearing sunscreen and remembering to apply it every day is a dreadful task. Not only that, but they also worry about sunscreen lotion causing breakouts and making the skin appear oily. Fortunately, the skincare products in the market today have come a long way, and people won’t need to apply slimy sunscreen every day to achieve the benefits that sunscreen has.

The type of sunscreen you want to use all depends on the length of time you plan to spend under the sun and the activities you’ll be doing. You also want to consider your skin type when choosing your sunscreen. If you have sensitive and acne-prone skin, you might want to opt for preservative-free sunscreen. But if you have dry skin, you might want to use moisturizers with added sunscreen.

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